
Welcome to the documentation for NQCDynamics, a package for performing nonadiabatic molecular dynamics simulations. The documentation covers both how to use the existing code and describes the intricacies of the implementations, hoping to make further contributions as simple as possible.


  • Achieve high performance along with good readability, extensibility, maintainability
  • Handle both simple models and high-dimensional systems
  • Highlight the advantages of Julia in the field of nonadiabatic dynamics
  • Encourage code sharing and reuse within the nonadiabatic dynamics community

Reproducibility is a pressing issue in the field of theoretical chemistry and physics as often studies either do not attempt to provide all necessary data or code for full reproducibility of the work. This can lead to difficulties when attempting to better understand the theory and implementation of the method and makes it difficult for students not only to learn existing models and theories, but also to improve and extend these. This project provides implementations for existing dynamics methods along with a framework that can be used for future research with the goal of encouraging greater code sharing and reuse within the nonadiabatic dynamics community.


Here we provide a list of currently implemented features of the code. We encourage contributions and implementations of methods. To do so, please open up an issue/pull request on Github!

Dynamics methods

Generating initial conditions

Dynamics with DifferentialEquations.jl

The DifferentialEquations ecosystem from the SciML organisation provides a large library of integration algorithms along with a simple interface for implementing new algorithms that can be tailored for specific nonadiabatic dynamics methods. Further, they provide helpful utilities for introducing discontinuities through the callback interface or handling many trajectories at once to obtain ensemble averaged observables with the ensemble interface. We can take advantage of these utilities by basing our dynamics setup on this framework which significantly simplifies the implementation of new methods.


1. Install Julia

Download and install the current stable release from the Julia website. For most platforms julia is provided as a precompiled binary and do not require any installation procedure. However, you need to specify the path to julia or create a symbolic link to the executable that is in your systempath.

2. Install the NQCRegistry

Since the package is not included in the default registry (General), we must first install the NQCRegistry. This gives access to the core NQCDynamics package along with some dependencies and add-ons. First, enter the Julia REPL by executing julia from the command line. Then press ] to enter pkg mode. The prompt should change from julia> to pkg>. Install the registry directly from Github with:

pkg> registry add ""

If this is the first time you're using Julia there's a chance that the General registry will not have been installed. Run pkg> registry status to view the installed registries. If General is not present, run pkg> registry add General before proceeding to the next step.

3. Install the package

Now that the registry has been added, the package can be installed in the same way as any other registered Julia package:

pkg> add NQCDynamics

4. Use the package!

julia> using NQCDynamics

You are now free to proceed to the next section and learn how to use the package. If you would like you can complete step 5 to double check your installation.

5. Run the tests (optional)

To check the package has been installed correctly and everything is working, you can execute the tests with:

pkg> test NQCDynamics

The tests use some extra functionality from the JuliaMolSim registry which can be added directly from Github with pkg> registry add "". Without this, the tests will not run successfully.

How to use this documentation

The first page to read is the Getting started section which walks through all the ingredients needed to perform a conventional classical molecular dynamics simulation. After this, the reader is free to explore at their leisure since everything else builds directly upon sections from the Getting started page.