Neural network models

Using the ASE interface we can directly use models trained using SchNetPack.


The examples on this page do not run during the documentation build due to schnetpack causing segfaults when installed in the build environment. The causes of this is not currently clear but we have temporarily disabled these examples in the build.

However, the examples should still be correct and you are welcome to try them with your own schnetpack trained models.

To use a SchNet model, please load any pre-trained model into a given path you can access. Here, our SchNet model is named "best_model" as is common in SchNet and provide the relative path.

First we load the model into an ase calculator and attach it to our diatomic hydrogen molecule.

using PyCall

ase = pyimport("ase")
spkutils = pyimport("schnetpack.utils")
spkinterfaces = pyimport("schnetpack.interfaces")

spk_model = spkutils.load_model("../assets/schnetpack/best_model"; map_location="cpu")

h2 = ase.Atoms("H2", [(0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0.74)])

calc = spkinterfaces.SpkCalculator(spk_model, energy="energy", forces="forces")

We can obtain the energies and forces from ase directly in the usual way, converting them to atomic units using UnitfulAtomic.

using Unitful, UnitfulAtomic;
austrip(h2.get_total_energy() * u"eV")
austrip.(h2.get_forces() .* u"eV/Å")

Note that this is an arbitrary model not trained on H2, hence the calculation of the potential energy and forces most likely do not make sense.

Then, we can convert the ASE output into the format used in NQCModels, which makes it possible to use the SchNet model e.g. for molecular dynamics calculations within NQCDynamics.jl:

using NQCModels;
model = AdiabaticASEModel(h2);

r = [0 0; 0 0; 0 ustrip(auconvert(0.74u"Å"))]

potential(model, r)
derivative(model, r)